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Though I am not Native by Todd Selle, a regular listener to Prophecy keepers Radio

During an evening of solitude, contemplating the state of our world, and the ongoing difficulty faced by Prophecy keepers in staying solvent, I was inspired to write this text. If any of this touches a chord with you, and you would like to do something that may help to make things at least a little better than they are depicted here, I urge you to share a little of what you have – even if just a dollar or five – with Blueotter, so he may continue his work.

Nothing will change if we do not give voice to the need for change. -- Todd Selle

I am not of Native blood. I know a little about the prophecies of the First Americans, but there is a lot more about them to know that unfamiliar to me. I do not know much about kachinas, or the legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman. I understand we are nearing the end of the Fourth Age, and simultaneously realize I know next to nothing about the first three. But in the winds of Spirit, I have heard the voices of the Elders whispering, and I have made out some of their speech. Thanks to artists and authors who have carried their words, and the stirrings within my own heart, I have heard them speak.

Though I am not Native, I can see the signs of the times. I have noted that even though the only sin which Jesus seems to have condemned with anger was hypocrisy, this very hypocrisy runs rampant in our society - even in the lives of many of Jesus’ own followers. I can see the cynicism and hard-heartedness evident in the acts of our political leaders. I see the greed and lust for power displayed by our captains of industry. I see rogue militants with great determination resorting to any means available to destroy those they have defined as their enemies, and I worry what will happen if they obtain any of the radioactive poison that has been lost by the nuclear-powered nations of the world. I see the international superpowers seeking dominance over other nations, even over one another, and I see the strongest of them ever positioning themselves to prepare for conflict. I see the political leaders of the metropolis in which I live being indicted for massive financial mismanagement and deceit, and wonder how long it will be before something similar happens to the leaders of this, the wealthiest nation on Earth. I see the reports of global climate change, the statistics about the accelerating extinction of species, and the inclination of my culture to own every square mile of the natural landscape for either mining or development. And, I see so many people behaving as if none of this is happening, and I marvel at how blind we are.

Though I am not Native, I hear the warnings of the Elders. I hear the prophecies of the Hopi, many of which have already come true, and the most dire of which promise to be fulfilled very soon. I hear the warnings of Elders and mystics of geological changes, of great wars, and of social chaos. I hear the Pentagon preparing for a potential worldwide military conflict should drought, famine, and disease result from massive environmental degradation. I hear of greater portions of human wealth being concentrated in ever-fewer hands, and of the massive debts of nations that our leaders tell us do not matter. I hear of computer chips beginning to be embedded in people who choose it, of a British researcher who has obtained a government license to clone human beings, and of the U.S. Defense Department pursuing technology that seems intended to develop robotic warriors, bionic warriors, or both. I hear the pounding boom of profanity-laden rap music emanate from 300-horsepower speakers in a car on an urban street as it shakes the ground with its hellish sound - the ground beneath a homeless woman who is trying to sleep on the stoop of a storefront door. Sometimes, in solitude and calm, I hear the tears of many people – tears that have yet to become visible, but are on their way. And I hear so few voice concern for all this, and I wonder at how deaf we have become.

Though I am not Native, I feel the ache of the world. I feel the pain suffered by Mother Earth from the neglect of Her children, and Her frustration with their never-ending quarreling and selfishness. I feel the desperation of the hungry who wonder why no food can be found, the perpetual chill running through the bodies of those who walk alone among crowds, and the loneliness of the ones who cannot, or dare not, leave their homes. I feel the anxiety of those who live in war zones, whether those are bordered by hills or streets or the walls of their own dwellings. I feel things I do not even understand, and for which I have no words. And I wonder if anyone else ever feels this way. Am I crazy, or are we losing our hearts?

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Mad Bear Anderson


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This website was the "vision" of the late Wallace "Mad Bear" Anderson, Tuscarora Lord of the 6 Nations Confederacy, Medicine Man, and founder of the American Indian Unity Movement.

"...the Tuscarora man, Wallace "Mad Bear" Anderson, who traveled to almost every seaport in North and South America as merchant seaman and established contacts with Mexican and Central American Indians." The Six Nations Confederacy was and is likened to a longhouse by John Kahionhes Fadden

"He traveled to almost every seaport in North and South America as a merchant seaman and established contacts with Mexican and Central American Indians. Source: Doug George-Kanentiio, Haudenosaunee Confederacy: a presence at the UN in "News From Indian Country," late Sept. 1995, 13. & (1974) Vine Deloria Jr, Behind the Trail of Broken Treaties. New York: Delacorte Press

"Vine Deloria Jr. suggests that Anderson built the groundwork that led to a closer network of North, Central, and South American Indians." source: Doug George-Kanentiio, "Haudenosaunee Confederacy a presence at the UN," in News From Indian Country, late Sept. 1995, 13. 

Mad Bear Anderson Wallace "Mad Bear" Anderson, Founder
of the American Indian Unity Movement

Mad Bear said, "You know, there was something else I was thinking about," he went on. "We ought to make a little trip there to Virginia Beach, to the Edgar Cayce people. I've read up on all those Cayce readings, especially the prophecies. I've got copies of a lot of that stuff. And Nostradamus, too. Did you ever read up on the prophecies of Nostradamus? What somebody ought to do someday pretty quick is go all across this country - the world, really - and make a study of all the prophets, what they had to say. I bet a comparison of all their prophecies related to these next few decades would be an amazing thing. You'd think someone would jump at the chance to fund something like that. I mean, that'd be worth something. But then there'd be many who wouldn't know how to use it. Maybe they'd get more passive instead of more active. Like I've been saying all along, most people get confused between foresight and fate." Source: Mad Bear (c) 1974 Doug Boyd, Simon and Schuster

An e-Library mandated by the elders with sustainability instruction fors the near future.