€ [20] Survnet: SURVIVAL_ORIENTED TOPICS (9:91/0) €€€€€€€€€€ SURVIVAL_ORIENTED € Msg : 71 of 93 Rcv From : Marc Visconte 1:271/145 Mon 12 Sep 94 13:28 To : Larry Gowdy Subj : To let, or not to let... €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ MV> My first choice for a waste hadnling system would be a composting MV> toilet. My second would be an incinerating toilet. Both very small MV> (compared to septic systems) and no chance of sepsis or e. coli MV> poisoning (well, no more than we have in our houses, today). LG" The composting toilet like an outhouse? I've seen those built on " the side of a hill, and they're reported as working well. I'm a little " spoilt on indoor plumbing though . Does an incinerating toilet work " in a similar design? " Any ideas on a system that can built indoors and still maintain " a good degree of sanitation? We recycle most all the water from the " tub, sinks, and kitchen, and only run the toilet into the main septic. " Keeps the water quantity down. Basics of the two: Composting is just what it says with: separates the liquid from the solid wastes. The liquid goies else where to evaporate at it's own rate, I guess. Maybe a source for nitre or ammonia (both good for fertilizer and maybe gunpowder). The solid is "turned" to areate it (aration? airation? Aeration? Aeroplane? - to get air into it) to allow the bacteria in it to decompose it. I've read adn been told that the naturally occuring bacteria will eat itself to death very quickly and easily, without any small (the air keeps the "other stuff" from taking over), reducing itself to scant table-spoonfuls, which are sanitized at that point. I believe that peat or other course organic matter are also mixed in, to help the air get inside to feed the bacteria. 7-10 days, and you can shovel out clean, sanitary mulch. The small size required, the lack of smell, and the reduced "output" are what I was interested in. I don't really care about what FORM the output took, as long as it was not toxic, didn't smell, and could be disposed of easily without chemicals or elaborate pumping, handling, or holding. I just can't deal with using a good 5 gallons of H2O to deal with a mere 1/2 to 1 pound of waste. The incinerating toilet is even smaller, but needs a power source. It basically reduces the waste to azshes - teaspoonfuls if you believe the ads. You can get info on BOTH types from the backs of Mother Earth News, or similar magazines. You can also find plans for the composting toilet fairly easily from old M.E.N. magazines or from the Center for Appropriate Technology (406)494-4572 with a pub: "Composting Toilets: A Guide for the Owner/ Builder". I was going to buy a copy a few years ago, but it was inthe middle of an update and was not available. LG" I found the paper on it last night. This was reported 12-31-93. " The tree is known as 'Hybrid Australis', produces a quality hardwood, " fifty feet tall, ten inch diameter tree in 6 years (a little under 10 " feet a year). They can be grown very close to each other, and an " estimated 7.6 million trees can be cultivated on 600 acres. Paper and Page? I can get the library to get me a copy of the article! Also, if you have access to a good library, they can to an intra-library loan for both books mentioned above ("toilet" and "have more plan") " Since it doesn't produce seeds, it won't migrate, and can only " be reproduced through cloning. The source of the tree is quoted as the " Natural Resources Holding Corporation (no address given). That's all " the info I have on it. You could probably find their address at the " library. If I ever get a few moments of free time I'll see if I can " find out more info. PLEASE! LG" The way things have been shaping up, it looks like I may " wait until the situation requires it before I raise animals. As long as " things stay fairly normal, we can buy eggs and meat cheaper (and " easier) than growing them. If things go bad, I can trap cotton tails " for breeding. These of course wouldn't be as good as those plump " domestic kinds, but they'd do the job. One of the books I've been reading (several on raising rabbits "for fun and profit" or for meat industry) mentioned getting breeds specifically bred for meat production if you want to RAISE quality meat. However, for just hunting and eating, you can't go wrong with Peter (Cottentail)... bow and arrow, sling (and sling-shot), .22, shot-gun, traps, blow-gun - just SO many ways to harvest the little guy all year round, and they are SOO easy to clans and cook. LG" Heck, that ain't bad. Even I could handle that. LG" Did they give any good income ideas that would work well today? " I'm wanting to get out of my current business and start something else. " We don't need much money, and mainly just want to do something that " doesn't require a telephone or people coming onto the land. His whole book was oriented not just for feeding his belly but also raising income from the overage - that is one of the reasons for getting a Giant New Zealand White or Giant California White for raising as opposed to trying to sell Peter when you harvest him. It's also easier to market "raised" rabbit rather then "caught". You might look into the gourmet and restaurant supply markets for your overage - I understand that rabbit is making a comeback, and it's NOT cheap! I've been seeing LOTS of small businesses that cater to the organic, gourmet, or other food markets: produce, SPROUTS!, mushrooms, herbs, etc. - the produce may be easy to grow iwth indoor hydroponics - a 12 month a year enterprise - along with the rabbits who, when they eat, produce "the best fertilizers available" - which, if not used internally, can be marketed also. All of these necessitate trips into town, but that's not too bad if you're doing it because you WANT to. " I've been entertaining an idea of possibly starting some sort of LG" As per your other half of the message - YES! But you might want to get a larger area. Check into use of federal lands for the rustic side of it... lots of room for natural food hikes, orienteering, etc. OTHER good outdoor enterprises that don't need much overhead if you've got the land: Campgrounds, paint-ball, nature walks, natural merchandise ("dream catchers", walking sticks, carved goods, nature art, "natural" papers, photos/paintings, vine basketry, leaf art/pottery) - all good "yuppy fodder" which could bring good markets and higher prices than just working flea markets and craft fairs. Just thoughts. Peace and luck === * SLMR 2.1a * If vomiting really changed anything, it would be illegal. --- D'Bridge 1.30/004237 * Origin: LGC-BBS (804) 877-8320 * PRNet/PHL/SURV (1:271/145)