Subject: After the Collaspe From: Dauven family I hate to tell you guys we are seeing the beginning of the collaspe. The collaspe of civilization starts not from wars, or disease, but from just plain old economic over extentinon. When a government runs out of money to fund its projects it has three choices to make, one is taxation, two is borrowing the third is cutting costs. Now for a dictatorial government, they can do all three but only for a short period of time. The higher taxes will cause a slower and slower economic growth untill the growth turn negative and the available economic resources are not sufficient to meet the needs of the dictator so their will be government retraction. Borrowing has two problems one is the lenders do not trust dictators and don't make large loans and the second what loans ther are will only be made as long as there is expanding positive economic growth. As growth starts to slow down the intrest rates for what loans that are made to the government become steeper and steeper and since a dictator has ultimate power and can cancle payment for the loans at any time, the source of loans will dry up very qickly. Since this is a dictatorship, any appearent lapse of power by government retraction breeds revolt to that government. Now for a democratic government the results are the same it just uses a slightly different route to get there. The purpose of a democratic governenment is to get as many supporters for the dominant party as possible. This is done by granting the supporters of that government economic resources. You know food stamps, generous retirement benifits, free medical care, subsidised housing, etc. Well to pay for all the social programs the government has to raise money by taxation or borrowing. The results of rasing taxes is the same as the dictatorial government. Economic growth begins to stagnate and eventually turns negative causing a drop in tax revenues to the governement to carry on its operations. The government turns to the credit market to get a source of funding for its operations. The credit markets make loans to the governments but as the economy become weaker and weaker the intrest rates become higher and higher. The government borrows so much that to keep intrest rates from going thru the roof it has to make intrest payments to the lenders. The intrest rates become more and more of a burden to the government eventually getting to a point that the taxation cannot support the intrest rates. The last is cutting costs. This is the last thing a democratic government wants to do. This destroys their base of power and as the supporters for the dominant party are stripped away and the dominant party becomes less and less powerfull and starts to play little political games. The first political game is to keep the same requirments for economic support for the dominant party supporters but make some one else pay for them. We are seeing this in the requirments for business to increasingly pay for government programs, and the block grant scheme to the states. Businesses are not dumb and they eventually move their operations away from the governments control, you know manufacturing OFF SHORE. The government will then stop its block grants to the states while demanding that the states fund the central governments programs. AS for cutting costs, the government starts cutting defense in that defense does not yeild sufficient benifits for its supporters. The next cutting are for the infastructure you know roads, bridges, national parks, and reglatory personnel. The increase in taxation also breed resentment to the government from people who produce goods and services and they start working at ways to not pay taxes and lastly eliments of the population start supporting practices that do not support the government such as survivalists, militias, the right wing communities like in Idaho. As you look around today with 30% of the national governments budget going to pay intrest on the debt. The rise of anti government groups, the block grant schemes, the increasing flight of means of production to foreign countries, the tactics of lying and deceit and flat out illegal activities that the dominant party, IE the democrats use to keep in power all are indicators that the collapse is beginning. This collapse doesn't happen over night, it takes years to start but onece the rot starts it keeps on going and accelerates untill the final stages which occure very rapidly. The final collapse is indicated by local groups starting to set up their on solvern states and the national government has neither the economic resources or the military power to stop it. We are seeing this in the Russia where the entire Russian army which could defeat the US army in the field in the 1970's cannot now keep a small province of Chetenina from leaving russia. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE ROSES THE COLLAPSE IS HERE. Jim in Ore.