Message #5724 - STRESS_MGMT Date: 03-10-94 16:57 From: Bob Johnstone To: Ml@tgd {mbbs: Patrick} Subject:: SELF-ESTEEM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > During the classroom sessions using Pumsy, the counselor leads the > children in "painting mind pictures" -- a euphemism for guided > imagery. The exercises call on the children to mentally transport > themselves into the Mind Pictures where they meet and talk to > imaginary friends who give them good feelings, wise counsel, and > self esteem. Pumsy directs elementary school children to place > their trust in imaginary friends, peers or school counselors, > instead of their parents, for help and guidance in difficult life > situations. One counselor even told her class, "Jesus and God > can't be with you all the time, so you need to call on Pumsy who > will never leave you." This program will fail to help not less than 40% of the students. As usual the schools system focuses on those who have a dominant visual system, and neglect those who have a dominant kinesthic or auditory system and cant even see any "visual" images or imagine how -anything- "looks." For many years I fought for good 'grades' in school and barely passed. In Science, history, and geography my grades were better, because there were a lot of 'pictures' in the books to help me learn. Art was my best subject even though I had little 'talent.' Because of the difficulty in school and a dominantly auditory or 'word" system unconsciously I did a tremdous amount of reading, and by the age of ten had read -every- book in the childrens section of the library, so was allowed to go into the adult section. I read an average of two to four books every week of my life from the time I was 6 until I was 7.... (My mother taught me to read before I entered kindergarten.) Because of this, in spite of "not understanding" what anyone meant by "visualize or imagine you can SEE it" when I was tested in the 9th grade, I had the equivelent education of a 2nd year college student. My teacher got very angry because my "grades" were so poor and kept me after school many nights saying that I was -deliberately- failing. It took many years after dropping out of school at the end of the 9th grade before I even understood WHAT in the heck the teachers were even talking about when they said "visualize" --- and even TODAY teachers are -blaming- the students for "not learning or not being interested" and I say, if a teacher has failing students, it is NOT the student who is failing, it is the teacher who is FAILING..... It is the teachers JOB to teach, if they are not teaching in a manner that the student can learn, it is not the students -fault- they are not learning. Parents that I have taught HOW to find out WHAT unconscious system their children have, then to communicate with them in that system have children whose grades immediatly improve. Teachers that I have taught that children have -different- systems they learn in, and teaching a class using -visual- methods is like speaking another language, to students who have other systems. In CA the insist teachers must be BILINGUAL but even children born here need BILINGUAL teachers who will teach using ALL THREE systems. To be really effective with clients, I had to learn how to speak in three languages for I had -never- used a "visual" language before. As soon as I did, my success rate with clients improved dramaticly. The more proficient I became in mixing all three systems, the more successful I became with clients. One teacher with the -worst- class in a school in Burbank, CA began using information from a book I gave her to read on Neuro Lingistics, and in one marking period, the most troublesome class in the school improved their grades by 30% and as she said, "they became the best students I have had in 17 years of teaching." A mother said on parent/teachers day, "I dont know if its what you are doing or if Johnny is maturing, but two weeks ago when he had a cold and I said he could stay home from school, he refused to stay home." Johnny was now 3rd in his class, and had been the biggest troublemaker in class. If a teacher cant "speak" the unconscious/subconscious language the student is using, the student will not learn very much, even if the language they are speaking is english and it is a lot easier for the teacher to practice mixing all three systems. All student HAVE all three systems, they just use one of them dominantly, so all students benefit from learning from a teacher who USES all three systems in a balanced manner. > Of course, there's nothing wrong with developing > children's imagination. But there is a lot wrong with using > progressive relaxation techniques that are akin to hypnosis, > followed by guided imagery that crosses the line between reality and > fantasy. All children are in a state of hypnosis the majority of time they spend in school anyway. Guided imagery does teach 60% better but focusing ONLY on that system neglets the other systems and teaches them NOT to use it. Even students who are dominantly visual, will learn FASTER when all three systems are used. Sight, Sound or Words and Feelings. > A Ph.D. dissertation this year by Dr. Julie Ann Kummer > at Marquette University shows that Pumsy has no > significant measurable effect on children's self esteem. The > findings of her empirical study are a direct challenge to prevailing > education establishment views. Dr. Kummer's research was based on > accepted procedures of comparing a class that used Pumsy with a > control group that didn't use any self-esteem curriculum. The > children's self esteem was measured before and after on the > Piers/Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale, which is generally > recognized as the best available testing technique. Anyone's self-esteem will improve MUCH faster by spending 10-15 minutes a day reviewing thing they HAVE done themselves in life that they are proud of or things which made others proud of them and things that they LIKE to do. Fantasy in Hypnsis or Self-Hypnosis, is like giving a person a tranquilizer, it helps for the short term, but it changes -little- at unconscious levels. For the schools and society still teach them to focus on the BAD things so that they can work with them and change them. Spending time thinking about positive aspects of your OWN live is REAL and things we can BELIEVE in. When individuals fantasize, they KNOW it is fantasy, not real. Many hypnotists will say, "imagine that you can see yourself doing this or that, and NO ONE -sees- themselves normally doing things unless they look in a mirror. My clients look at OTHERS in their mind, doing things the way they wish to do them in the future. THEN, they imagine they ARE doing those things and SEEING what they would see from their OWN viewpoint as they are DOING them. Ie If a person bowls an average of 140, and gets a strike once in a game. Then they go home and all week long in hypnosis SEE the ball knocking down the pins. They HEAR all the pins falling, and the FEEL the way they felt as they rolled THAT strike. THAT is REAL to them, and so they can do it. Now, I cant visualize the pins going down, but I CAN hear them going down, and I can FEEL the way my muscles felt as I roll a ball. If a hypnotist told me to "SEE" myself rolling a strike, that would be IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO DO. To be -safe- with new clients, I ask them to recall rolling that strike in "whatever way you normally do" - to roll it again, and think about what you could SEE ... I can think about what I could see in my mind, but I think about it in -words- and never -see- it again. Think about what you could HEAR in whatever way you normally do. Think about how you FELT in whatever way you normally do..... Relive in your mind, in the way you normally do bowling that strike again, and again, and again. Not less than ten times. When you finish open your eyes. Then I SHUT UP AND LET THEM DO IT..... Many hypnotists keep talking so much, then never stop to let the client DO IT, then wonder why some clients dont come back after the 1st, 2nd or third session...... Many clients who learn to bowl using hypnosis/self-hypnosis, can improve their average which has not changed in years by 35-40 pins in less than 3 months. Some improve that much in as little as three weeks. Clients who wanted to become Pro Bowlers, who had been bowling for many years and could not improve more than 3-10% per year, within a year were bowling 210-250. Found themselves bowling 300 games frequently. It takes all THREE systems to learn best. THE MINDS OF CHILDREN ARE ALTERED IN SCHOOLS with or without PUMSY, and all teachers are -unwittingly- using hypnosis without realizing it, for that -altered- alpha state children are in all day long is what makes it easier for them to learn FAST. Parents also need to know that their children ARE in an altered state for at least 45 seconds out of every minute. So they can stop using the negative messages which -program- children to BE just what they do not wish to be. If you keep telling a child "you are a liar" they will believe you and -become- a liar. Teach them they WILL NOT BE PUNISHED for telling the truth, and they will not be -afraid- to tell the truth so will stop lying. --- FLAME v1.0 * Origin: BBS_ADS Advertise your BBS using ANSI! 714-525-1706 (1:10/25) @PATH: 10/25 103/501 121 3615/50 396/1 270/101 138/1 352/3 410