Msg # 6560 Date: 06 May 94 08:19:00 From: Bob Johnstone To: All Subj: RELAX TO THE MAX ____________________________________________________________________________ (RELAX TO THE MAX, part 2 of 9) CHANGE YOUR THINKING, TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE Accentuate the positive or affirmative and discover the reason others with a positive outlook on life, suffer far less than those who see the world in negative terms. There are many books today, that tell you how to think "positive" but, thinking positive, does not always work for all people. In my experience, it only works for about 30% of those who try to practice positive thinking, many have problems getting any results. Why is this true? Think about it, if our positive thoughts create a positive effect in life, then our negative thoughts create negative effects. If we have been programed to think in a negative way, even when we "practice" positive thinking, we still still spend -more- time thinking negative. If we had a balance scale, and every time we thought positive we put a match on the plus side, but every time we thought negative, we put one on the minus side, at the end of the day there would be a lot more mass on the minus side. When using "self-hypnosis or Meditating" we produce brain waves. Commonly known as Alpha or Alpha and Theta brain waves. During the time we produce these particular brain waves, positive thoughts have approximately 100 times the effect, a similar thought would have, if we were producing Beta waves, what we produce normally, during the day after the age of 12-16 when get more responsibility. . . . So theoretically, we can offset hundreds of negative thoughts by learning to produce Alpha waves like we did as a child, when we could learn faster and think in a positive manner during that time. Practicing for only 10 to 30 minutes per day. PREFERABLY in ten minute time periods. For we gain more benefit from each seperate practice period. It is just as effective as if we had another day to practice. IE, if you fractionalize your time or practice six SEPERATE times during the day, you get the same results another person could get, by practicing once a day, for six days. I believe you GET even better results than they do. But it is difficult to prove or quantify, I only know that personally, my results are better this way, and my clients relate they believe theirs are. Positive thinking alone works, but, for many, it only just * maintains * the status quo - unlike others, who have been thinking * positive * all their lives, others have to overcome the effect of MILLIONS of past negative thoughts. This seems overwhelming to many, but, there is a different way of dealing with these past thoughts or memories that burn so much energy. This method, is like taking the negative effects from past negative thinking, changing an individuals perception of those experiences so they think of them as "learning experiences" and moving that mass to the positive side of the scale. By doing so, memories we percieved as BAD experiences from the past begins to work FOR us, instead of against us...... Creating BENEFITS from each one. How can we do this, well it is simpler or easier than you might think. Think about this, bear with me for a moment, just accept this, until its proven wrong. [grin] Let's say, that EVERY experience we have had in life, is nothing more than a learning experience. But, we have been taught certain types of these experiences are traumatic or terrible. Because the brain functions like a computer, doing what it is told, due to false programming, it creates bad feelings. We feel resentment or anger in certain types of memories. Just because we're programed to believe thats what we -must- feel. Because the brain has been programed to create anger, in these situations, we cant function in the manner we would like. Sometimes we call this anger or resentment by many different names, like frustration, guilt, humiliation, jealousy, irritation, etc, the bottom line is, that even guilt, is caused by RESENTMENT. We resent ourselves or our behavior, etc. Now, I have been teaching my clients and many professionals to change their perception of these memories. To look at them in a new or different way and see what they can * learn * when the do, they discover, just how they could use these memories as learning experiences, instead of or in spite of the content. As they begin to change perceptions, their feelings change. As the feelings change, they are able to use them in beneficial ways. They stop experiencing the stress or pain associated with them. They stop feeling anger or resentment when thinking of memories and can even feel good when thinking about those memories, using the memory to help now or in the future. Even a mugging, contains learning, it can teach us NOT to be alone in an area where this can happen, it can teach us to take certain precautions we did not think necessary in the past. Muggings or even Rape, are not our fault, but we can learn from the memories if we do not bury them and attempt to forget them, but change our perceptions about them. (Continued in part three.....) --- FLAME v1.0 * Origin: For PTSD or Emotions & Physical HELP 714-525-1706 (1:10/25) PATH: 10/25 103/501 121 3615/50 138/103 1 352/3 410 03