BORAGE ========================== CULTIVATION: ============ Borage is a annual or sometimes biennial herb, with erect hairy stem and up to 2-3 feet in height. It has bright blue, drooping stare-shaped flowers. Borage needs an open and sunny location. The soil should be light, dry, and well drained. Seed on site, or singly in pots in spring for summer flowers, and in autumn for spring flowers. Will self seed freely on light soil. Gemination time is about 14 days, and plant matures in 80 days. Grows in zone 3-10. Set 12 inches apart, and plant among roses. It is possible to grow small plants indoors. Pinch off young leaves as needed. To extend the harvest pinch off flowers. Borage is only good when fresh. Dry flowers, or freeze in ice cubes. CULINARY USES: ============== Add young leaves to cold drinks, or chop finely and add to salads, soft cheese, and sandwiches. Flowers can be sprinkled into salads, or used as a garnish. Fresh borage leaves when crushed will release a cucumber-scented juice. Old leaves are unpleasant and fuzzy. Do not tear or cut the leaves until you are actually ready to use them. When you cut into a food rich in vitamin C, its cells release an enzyme called Ascorbic acid oxidase. This chemical destroys vitamin C and reduces the nutritional value of the food. The flowers make an attractive crystallized decoration for cakes and desserts. Select newly opened flowers and pick as soon as the dew has dried from them. Place them on grease proof paper and brush each flower carefully with a strong sugar syrup using a small paintbrush. Dust completely with sieved sugar and allow to dry at room temperature until hard. Store with the grease proof paper in airtight jar. MEDICAL USES: ============= Borage may be of some help in relieving catarrh and colds and the headaches associated with them. Make a hot infusion by adding 1 tablespoon of finely chopped borage leaves to a cup of boiling water. Let stand for 5-10 minutes before straining, and then drink. Borage tea stimulates the kidney, and this is most useful in feverish conditions. A standard infusion of borage leaves is a tonic to the adrenal glands, which react to stress. This may be the results of its high content of calcium, potassium, and mineral salts. Borage flowers and leaves in wine have a traditional reputation of relieving nervous tension during times of stress. Borage can be used in a salt free diet, as borage is rich in mineral salts. Borage is also a refrigerator, it cools the body. WARNING: ======== Because borage is high in calcium, it may be prohibited for people who form calcium oxalate kidney stones. OTHER USES: =========== Plant near strawberries as they stimulate each other's growth. Add flowers to a summer arrangement. COSMETIC USES: ============== BORAGE FACE PACK : This is useful for those with dry skin. Make it by adding 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of almond oil to a borage infusion. Add this to a past made with 1/4 ounce fresh yeast and a little water, and apply the mixture evenly to clean, dried skin. Leave for at least 10 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water. Pat carefully with a soft towel.