email:                                             Voice Contact: 417-962-4636

O'siyo (Hello) friends!              

I am Will Anderson, "BlueOtter." I speak for the White Roots of Peace Council, soon to be a foundation at the National Heritage Foundation. I host my own weekly radio show at

I broke the news to the world about the beginning of the long prophesied "Purification day," which began in May 2003, just as predicted by the Hopi Elders in 1996. Trouble is, the world doesn't seem to have noticed, and that is where you might come in...

I am usually available at short notice - as a fill-in guest - just in case you have guest cancellations.

I now host a new PROPHECYKEEPERS RADIO SHOW thanks to the first person who interviewed me, Shirley Maclaine. I was interviewed by Shirley, early in 2004. I invite you to interview me also, if you desire some clarity concerning the Prophecies of Native Peoples as compared to the Prophecies of European Peoples.

I work closely with Grandfather Red Elk, a world-famous medicine man who is a regular guest on Art Bell's Coast To Coast AM.  Grandfather Red Elk has asked me to say that he would also like to be interviewed on your show. Contact him by email here. Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf is also on the team, assembling a network of prophecy, paranormal, and holistic health media shows at Trilogy Communications at Ghost Wolf has forgotten more about Native prophecy than I ever will know.

I was formerly an associate of the renowned medicine man John "Rolling Thunder" Pope, an Art Bell show regular guest before his passing in January of 1997.  I recently interviewed his son, Mala Spotted Eagle. 

Now that all my original teachers have "walked west," I am an now spokesman for the "White Roots of Peace Gatherings" traditional teachings. My teacher John Red Hat, who was born into the spiritual core (AniGilohi Clan aka "Long Hair Clan") of the spiritual core (The Original Keetoowah Society or "Nighthawks") of the Cherokee Nation, passed away on December 30, 2003, but is already visiting, through spirit, all his old friends giving encouragement.

I have published several e-books (a trilogy actually) which were actually prophesied by the Iroquois elder and Sachem, Mad Bear Anderson, who founded the American Indian Unity Movement, and was a close friend of my traditional teacher Rolling Thunder.

How on earth could the Ancient Mayans in their Mayan Calendar, the ancient Tibetans in their Kalachara, the Prophet Mohammed in writing the Qu'ran, The ancient Chicaraugans of the Michoacan Highlands in Mexico, and several Catholic visionaries in their writings in the middle ages all have known what modern astronomers just recently learned concerning The Three Days of Darkness coming around 2012?

I am prepared to discuss the Catholic, Tibetan, Islamic, Chigaraguan, and other prophecies which ALL PREDICT THREE DAYS (or more) OF DARKNESS SOON!

Darkness is also predicted by the famous Blackfoot Indian Crazy Horse.

I am prepared to discuss the true meaning of the Mayan Calendar 2012 Prophecies... no hype, just the facts from the Horses (Elder's) Mouths. The Mayan elders say that it will "go down" a little differently than most people think it will.

I am also prepared to visit on the air with your guests about the soon coming Hopi "Purification Day," and how to prepare for it (Edgar Cayce let the cat out of the bag on how to get prepared AND that 2004 would see the beginning of a "new race")

I can discuss the REMARKABLE -- but little known -- May 2003 fulfillment of statements made in 1996 by Hopi Elders who are now all dead.

I can also discuss the Cherokee/Phoenician/Egyptian/Mayan/Sumerian/Atlantean connections in detail.

I am a legally recognized Chickamauga Cherokee Indian, aged 50 years.

I published the first Multicultural/Native prophecy website on the Internet in mid-1996.

I am a former Oregon Military Dept. (Emergency Services and Security Branch) State Defence Force training officer, and also a former Country Music front man for a Grand Ole Opry artist. I am well-traveled and well-spoken... an alumnus of the world-famous singing goodwill ambassadors "Up With People!"and Up With People High School graduate, the world's only traveling mobile High School. I performed in Carnegie Hall at age 17.  I was a world-class competitive archer at age 16.

I hold a Bachelors degree in Youth Leadership and have worked for the Boy Scouts of America and Father Flanagan's Boys Home at Boystown, Nebraska.

I have a vintage telephone with a carbon microphone, so my warm radio quality voice will come through to your guests in a frank -- and sometimes comical -- manner. Red Elk calls me a "Walking Encyclopedia."

I can speak for a few minutes, or for several hours on these subjects, and will work closely timewise with your producers with my "AboutTime" digital timeserver synchronized PC clock.

To fulfill BOTH traditional ways AND the mandate of the Hopi Elders to translate these teachings into all possible languages, all our information is available free at, or as downloadable e-books OR a "CDROM Book" at

My website is at HAS OVER 1000 PAGES OF DOWNLOADABLE INFORMATION about 550 pages of which is absolutely free. It is all available free elsewhere,  just organized here - into one place -- for the purposes of providing funding for translations into every possible language, which was mandated by the Elders.

If you would like to preview our ebooks, just ask, and you will receive URLs and login information.

Thank You!

Will BlueOtter